Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Random Thoughts 10.20.2009

I'm at a very confused point in my life. I feel that very few understand my train of thought when it comes to things. I'm I being an A$$ hole and I'm I being too hard on people when it comes to being the very best that you can be. Actually, I don't feel like that at all. As a matter of fact I'm going to continue to push forward because I know I'm doing right. There's so many things going on in my head that I feel like its going to explode at any given moment. Most people would say that's a good thing however, I'm having a hard time seeing that. Maybe it's not meant for me to see this right now but I will see it in the near future. With work, starting my new business, the non profit organization, and everything else I don't know what to do.

At this point I must take the approach that I take when I give someone else advice.

Work - Eric you have a golden opportunity to make something big happen at this place. Take what you have learned at VR and apply this take on prisoners attitude and implement it there. You have the freedom to take any road that you must take to get the job done, however it all starts with you. Don't worry about other people at the job that are not on the same page as you. Focus your time and energy with the people that you would want to build with. There's alot of things that need to be done at this place and I can do them all. You say that the next career move I want to take on is being a director so this is the best place to start. There are people and projects to manage, policies to create, and order instill. If you don't know everything that a Director does take the time out to familiarize yourself with it. Talk to people on and off campus. You are in the right place at the right time you just have to motivate yourself to kick things in high gear. Focus on yourself and not what other people are doing. This will only bring you down.

Business - Take more time out and focus on this. .....THIS IS YOUR FUTURE so don't take anything lightly.

Organization - Take control of everything in your area DON'T wait for anyone else to do this for you. It's sad but it's life.


Enjoy your live, learn more, love more, and grow.

Thanks for your time

Eric :)

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